high crescent under the sunset.
The upper
naval pulled- in,
heart unfolding,
sun is descending,
arms are ascending.
The lower
front foot rooted,
front knee externally rotated,
back leg extended,
back heel gravitated.
Ever - evolving.
salamba anjaneyasana variation, photo taken in Savannah GA.
the variations of different asanas is the realization that your body is not confind to a box.
we practice to break our own boundaries + discover that the only person who stands in your growth is your ego.
when i’m on my mat or on the grass just flowing,
like water, my presence fills up the limitless container of the present.
it comes in series
The build - up comes a greater release.
Start off by paying attention to voluntary breathing called upon by your nature. As humans, we breathe to survive.
Once respiration is in control, pay attention to the physical body.
Expansion + contraction calls for different breath control.
Lengthen + shorten calls for different anatomical support.
Like a wet rag being twisted and rinsed, we get clean again.
a bridge connecting the physical plane + the plane of the bliss
photo taken in Pattaya, TH.
Setu Bandhasana is Bridge Pose.
Portrayed in monochromatic series above, is a Setu Bandhasana variation.
I start on my back and allow vulnerability to greet me.
My knees are pointed to the heavens. I plant my feet on the earth to ascend my hips.
My hands reunite beneath my inclining supine, I bind them. My shoulder blades kiss.
Heart is greeting the above, I press the back door of my skull into the earth to remain connected.
My hands now unbind as my lumbar calls for support.
My core fires up, my tailbone flicks up. My legs are hovering.
The conscience floats to control the happenings of my legs. They become vertical. They are now bent 90 degrees. They then cross in Garudasana (Eagle Pose).
They find themselves flying across my vertical body over my crown.
Lingering is my soul between the physical plane + the plane of the bliss.
Eka pada koundinyasana II
eka pada koundinyasana II, (“flying splits”, pose dedicated to the sage Koundinyasana II), photos taken in Pattaya, TH.
In lizard pose, one leg extended back, the front is bent with hands on the inside.
I inhale and arch my chest + torso up, like a cheetah that just woken up.
my spine is neutral again. I lift my front heel up to nuzzle my arm underneath my aching calf.
my hand plants. I lean forward palms pressed into the earth, my biceps activated in chataranga.
my front leg intuitively flicks back, toes pointed to my past, I’m ready to launch forward.
I build up unwavering strength, my extended leg ascends into equilibrium.